Pleasant Bay Community Boating
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Weather Cancellation Policy

Pleasant Bay Community Boating is a "marine location" with a "marine forecast". This means the wind and weather can change quickly and affect rentals and lessons. PBCB makes every effort to hold class, even in high winds and light rain. When we cannot be on the water, we make use of our time on shore to review lessons, tie knots, review terminology, and play a few sailing games! In the case of severe weather, when it is not safe to have sailors on campus, we may have to cancel classes for safety reasons. Class cancellations will be communicated on our web site, email and or text message. Please be sure to check the weather and web site before heading to PBCB when the weather or wind is a question. Due to the unpredictability of the weather and being a small nonprofit organization there are no refunds offered for shore school days or for one cancelled day per week. If we must completely cancel more than once during a weekly class credit will be given to your account.